The Professional version contains many more features than the Basic version, and is destined to the expert user. However, because of the simplicity of the program and the Tutorial help, the neophyte who wants to explore advanced techniques can easily use it too..

Vis luminis
The vis luminis surrounding the moon, with bodies and rays of the planets falling within its space. The width of the vis luminis of Moon and planets can be edited and changed in the Preferences Window .
An equatorial representation of the celestial sphere, similar to an ancient astrolabe.

The astrolabe allows also to move the sphere viewing the primary directions of planets and stars to the horary circles of any significator.

Phases of the eclipse
Solar and lunar eclipses, seen from the selected place, with the main astronomical data and the zoom on the eclipsed luminary disk .

Solar eclipse map
The visibility of the solar eclipse on the Earth surface, with areas of different obscuration of the solar disk. World geographical map and 9 local maps.

Trutina Hermetis
The chart of conception according to the sidereal revolutions of the moon, with several options to match the Horoscope or the Occident of the Nativity .
Birth rectification by the method of isarhythmies to the Ascendant and Medium Coeli. A rational and powerful interpretation of Ptolemaic method known as “Animodar”. Used in the school of Cielo e Terra.
Altazimuthal chart
The celestial sphere seen from the zenith, with the cardinal points, altitude and azimuth of Sun, Moon and planets. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto if required..

The phases of planets in epicycle sectors: heliacal rising, fast, medium and slow motion, first and second station, retrograde motion, heliacal setting, invisibility and combustion.

Lord of temperament
The planetary rulership on temperament, according to the Ptolemaic method. Planetary dignities and aspects with the Ascendant and the Moon are valued by a complex and highly customizable method.

Humoral Square
The Ptolemaic rulers of temperament are arranged in 4 humoral squares (sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic), according to their essential nature and accidental condition.

Phases of the stars
Daily phases calendar for 67 bright stars and asterisms, for the current location: 4 heliacal phases; 4 cosmic phases; 16 Ptolemaic phases.
Aspects search
This module allows to find any angular distance between two planets within a defined orb, days and steps.
Chart of direction
The whole chart for a direction hit-date, with the positions of planets, lots and the lines of encounters between significators and promissors.

Chart of profection
A single chart for the future times, including the nativity, the solar return, the direction, the annual spaces of profection, and the progressive profections in their spaces.

The sorted list of more than 2000 direction encounters with all the ingresses of significators in the boundaries.
Mundane profections
Profection spaces calculated according to the motion of the Ascendant degree along the circle of 12 houses. This is the method used in the school of Cielo e Terra.
The ancient arabic-persian method for the planetary periods. Three different systems for the lunar nodes.

Zodiacal map of Future Times
The 12 zodiacal signs, with the degrees of planets and lots in nativity, return, profection and direction.

Sinastry index
A general evaluation of the harmony between two nativities, by a complex analysis of the mutual relations between luminaries, lots, benefic and malefic planets.
Phαsis Professional