The earthquake

On the 12th of May 2008, at 2.28 pm local time (= 6h28 TU) a first violent shake stroke the area of Sichuan. Many other ones, of a minor intensity, followed during several days. Many correspondences appear between the figure of the moment of the earthquake and the figures preceding it. As for the day itself, we notice that:

  • the Sun, at 21°55 Taurus (zone ), is on the Horoscope of the solar eclipse;

  • The Moon, at 23°20 Leo (zone ), has just passed the western angle of the figure of the eclipse2, during the hours preceding the earthquake, moving over the degrees of the malefic planets: first it is opposing the degree of Mars of the solar eclipse, then it passes on Saturn of the solar eclipse, then moves on Saturn of the eclipse1.

  • Mars has been entering the sign of Leo two days before and is now moving towards the opposition of its own degree in the eclipse1, as well as towards the MC of the solar eclipse;

  • Finally, Mercury is exactly on the degree of Mars of the eclipse2, at 13° Gemini (zone ).

As for the time:

  • Mercury, i.e. the degree of Mars in eclipse2, culminates exactly at the MC;

  • Not far away, Aldebaran culminates (the zone was at the IC in the two lunar eclipses and culminates now at the MC);

  • 3°58 Virgo (zone ) is rising, extremely close to the degree of the horoscope in the eclipse1 and to the degree of the Moon in the spring ingress.

Thus, this earthquake seems to be the result of the combined action of Saturn, Mars and Mercury, the three planets traditionally assigned to seismic events [24]. Mars, on one side, rules the cardinal angles of the two last eclipses ( and 2) and of the earthquake, on another side, the malefic planet offends Jupiter, the general ruler of these eclipses, repeating in the two syzygies preceding the earthquake the same figure it had in the eclipse2. Mercury, ruler of the Moon in the first eclipse and in the ingress, is a decisive factor about the short times: the day and the hour of the event. If we consider the eclipse2, we note indeed that, in the New Moon of May 5, Mercury passes in transit on the IC then arrives at the degree of Mars the very day of the earthquake; the hour of the event will then be the one of its culmination and of the rising of 13°58 Virgo, close to its degree in the eclipse. But all this is happening a few days after the station of Saturn, which decides then about the time on a larger scale. It is culminating, stationary with Regulus of the New Moon of May 5, while returning on the degree it occupied in the eclipse2 .[25]

6. Diagram of the reminders in the figure of the earthquake

From the first eclipse, each day, 13°58’ Virgo is rising, Aldebaran is culminating, Mercury culminating; each month the Moon is transiting Saturn’s degree. But the strenght of these transits in the day and hour of the earthquake, comes from the slowest planets, observed in the preceding syzygies. For this reason, the New Moon of May 5 appears as the decisive figure, the one in which the sky opens the doors to the catastrophe.

7. The two stations of Saturn, in zone

We then can identify three phases in the celestial journey from the eclipses up to the day of the earthquake, and each one has its own executors among the planets and the stars:

  1. The eclipses prepare the event with Andromeda's help;
  2. Saturn, stationary in zone , decides upon the time with the help of Regulus and of Sirius: first the Moon, then the Sun, conjunct the declinations of these stars.
  3. Mars and Mercury complete the event, with Aldebaran’s help, in zone .

[24]   Cfr. John of Aschenden (Summa, II, 8.4) «If the three planets which cause earthquake by their very nature, Saturn, Mars and Mercury, dominate in the ingress of the year or in one of the seasonal quadrants, if they are in signs or regions of the sky meaning earthquake, if they unite themselves to fixed stars that cause earthquake or that have a nature similar, if your region is naturally subject to earthquakes, then there will be, during that year or during that season, a lot of earthquakes. You must observe this rule with any conjunction and opposition and quadrature of the luminaries».

[25]   Saturn has already achieved its first station, on the 20.12. Why the earthquake did not come during the following days? If we observe the Full Moon that follows the station (24.12.2007, 1h17m UT), we see that Mars was with the Moon, but neither the luminaries nor the malefic planets were angular; there were no harmful stars neither in the angles, nor with the luminaries; the degrees occupied respectively by the luminaries or by the malefic planets were not transiting any angle in the three preceding eclipses. The times were not yet ready for the catastrophe.